Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Sharpening Your Cutting Edge

If the axe is dull and the man does not whet the edge, he must put forth more strength; but wisdom helps him to succeed. Ecclesiastics 10:10 (Amplified Version)

On my way back from a friend’s home late last year, I had a flat tyre at a lonely spot. The spot was so lonely that it was almost impossible to find help. However, I changed the bad tyre in a few minutes without help and proceeded on my trip home. That was possible because, I had the requisite tools for changing a tyre; I know how to change a tyre; and I had a spare tyre.

Imagine if any of the above was missing, I would have been stranded at a lonely spot and at the mercy of criminals.

A lot of us go through life without adequate preparation to meet life’s exigencies. We fail to acquire sufficient skills and the basic tools needed to become a victor. We in effect, fail to acquire or maintain a cutting edge. Ecclesiastics 10: 10 tells us that if the axe is dull and it is not sharpened then more effort is needed to put it to use. It follows that if the axe has completely lost its cutting edge then it will not be of any use again.

Hard work alone will not translate to success if the labourer is working amiss, for a lumberjack will not fell any tree if he fails to whet the edge of his axe before proceeding to the woods.

In this age, success is not just a produce of hard work, but of smart, consistent and focused efforts and above all reliance on God for wisdom on which path to go. Only in Christ can we find true success. Matt 6:33.

It is time to regain our cutting edge by whetting our axe for the task ahead.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Victor’s Language

"Now faith is the assurance (the confirmation, the title deed) of the things [we] hope for, being the proof of things [we] do not see and the conviction of their reality [faith perceiving as real fact what is not revealed to the senses]". Hebrew 11:1 (Amplified Version)

Chapter 13 of the book of Judges, tells us the story of a woman whose husband’s name was Manoah. This woman was barren and was in need of a child. Then an amazing thing happens! The Angel of the Lord visited her and says to her “You are going to have a baby boy!” The excited woman ran to her husband to tell him what had just happened. I’m more greatly fascinated by what transpired afterwards.

Manoah did not proceed on a long prayer and fasting to confirm what the Lord had said through His Angel. Neither did he act as if the promise of the Lord will come to manifestation in a long distant time. He acted in accordance with the word of God. From the scripture above cited, we know that faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. So how do we express this faith? It starts with the way we talk and act in relation to God’s promises.

When Manoah heard what the Angel had promised he exhibited total conviction and faith. He simply prayed that God should send the Angel again, this time not to give him further proof but to teach them what they will do when the child is born. And God did answer and sent the Angel again and Manoah inquired of him, “sir when your words are fulfilled, what is to be the rule for the boy’s life and work?”

For him the miracle was a done deal, what he needed from God was how to manage the miracle. Manoah exhibited his faith in God by speaking the victor’s language, by speaking as if his miracle was a done deal and then taking positive actions towards sustaining his miracle by asking for wisdom to handle his miracle.

Victors achieve their victory by believing God’s promises and taking positive, focused and goal oriented actions to manifest their miracles.

It’s time to act like a victor. If God had promised it, then it is done. Your role is simple, speak as if it’s already done and take necessary action today.

God bless you.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Runnig the Race

“THEREFORE THEN, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses [who have borne testimony to the Truth], let us strip off and throw aside every encumbrance (unnecessary weight) and that sin which so readily (deftly and cleverly) clings to and entangles us, and let us run with patient endurance and steady and active persistence the appointed course of the race that is set before us”
Hebrew 12:1 (Amplified Version)

As we run in the journey of life, we seem to pick up a lot of unnecessary weights, which slow us down or completely halt our progress. Sins are the greatest weights of all. But not all weights are sinful. However, they all nevertheless war against our spiritual and physical progress.

Some of the greatest inhibiting weights that we pick up along life’s journey are negative habits and lack of discipline, which are the bane of most great minds.

During a personal retreat some years back, I undertook some personal introspective evaluations and realised that my greatest challenge was the challenge of procrastination. So I developed a personal principle, which I called the “do it now” or “DIN” principle, I have tried to apply this principle to all areas of my life. The first rule of this principle is that whatever I need to do as long as it lies in my power to do them, I will do them now. This principle has helped me to deal to a large extent with the challenge of procrastination and the results have been enormous. I have not completely overcome the problem of procrastination but I’m not giving up in my battle and with God’s help I will overcome.

Hebrew 12:1 makes it clear that no runner can win a race if he is carrying a lot of weights whilst running. Life is a race and to run well, we must put away the weights that pull us back and run with patience, endurance, steady and active persistence. It is our responsibility to deal with our limiting weights as no one else will accomplish that for us.

If you are overwhelmed by your weights then please ask God in prayers for help. Remember His word says in Jude 24 that He is able to keep us from falling. And when you ask, remember that you are not alone in your battle because God is helping you to overcome your weights.

Everyone has got weights but victors constantly battle to overcome their weights.

What are the weights keeping you back today? You can with the help of God deal with them all.

Friday, August 13, 2010

True Freedom

A man who wanders away from the way of understanding shall abide in the congregation of the spirits (of the Dead). Proverbs 21:16 (Amplified Version)

The quest for freedom is the most important creed of this age. Whilst freedom is important, the negative pursuit of freedom will inevitably produce the opposite of freedom, bondage.

A classic example of the negative pursuit of freedom is the story of the prodigal son in Luke 15: 11. The young man had everything going well for him. He had a wealthy supportive and loving family and a great future. But he felt restricted and desired freedom. He did not want to be bound by any rules neither did he want to be subjected to any other authority higher than himself. So he requested for his inheritance that he may leave and be free. For a short while he enjoyed seeming freedom, living recklessly and squandering his inheritance. Then he lost the seeming freedom when there was no more wealth left to squander.

Freedom is not the absence of rules but the wisdom and understanding to know which rules to follow, for a life not governed by rules is like a ship without a rudder and a captain. It may only sail for a while but must inevitably sink.

Proverbs 21:16 above cited tells us that a man that wanders away from understanding shall abide in the congregation of the dead. He will certainly self destruct.

If you wish to achieve anything in life then you need to set rules for yourself and discipline to abide by them. The best rules are found are the word of God and true freedom can only be found in Christ.

Are in Christ? Or have you wandered away from understanding in the quest for freedom?

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Light to the world

“That you may show yourselves to be blameless and guileless, innocent and uncontaminated children of God without blemish (faultless, unrebukable) in the midst of a crooked and wicked generation [spiritually perverted and perverse], among whom ye are seen as bright lights (stars or beacons shining out clearly) in the [dark] world”
Philippians 2:15 Amplified version

I have been driving through the streets of Lagos, Nigeria almost everyday for last few years, and I have noticed that there are more “born again cars” than “born again drivers”. Most cars in Lagos have some Christian stickers posted on them usually proclaiming the goodness of the Lord or declaring to the world that they belong to Christ. However in most cases there is nothing Christian about the individuals behind the wheels as most people seem to become hooligans once the go behind a wheel in Lagos and courtesy is thrown to the winds. I once asked a friend what was responsible for this and he answered “this is Lagos and if you must survive on the road then you must act like the others”.

Lagos roads are a microcosm of the world in which we live in today. There is no doubt that we live in a world where morality is seen as weak and old fashioned, integrity as not being wise and smart. In an age where people are basically selfish and altruism is viewed as foolishness by the majority.

However as victors, we are meant to be different. We live in a dark world, where we should shine as light and thereby provide illumination to the path of others. We have preached for too long but have neglected the most important message of all, which is to live by example thereby showing the world through our actions that there is a different way to live and a different path to follow. In Philippians 2:15 cited above, Paul advised the Philippians to live blameless lives though they lived in a crooked and wicked generation. That advice is very relevant in our days because the world today is in dire need of men and women of integrity with the courage to be different.

Are you shining as light? Or have you conformed to the ways of the world?

God bless you.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Possessing our Promised Land

“This book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth, but you shall meditate upon it day and night, that you may observe and do according to all that is written in it. For then you shall make your way prosperous and then you shall deal wisely and have good success”. Joshua 1: 8 (Amplified Version)

In the first chapter of the book of Joshua, Moses the servant of God had just passed on and God would about to transfer the mantle of leadership to his servant Joshua. The book of Joshua opens with God making promises to Joshua, regarding the future of the children of Israel and the great territories, which He had already given to them and they needed to possess. Then God commanded Joshua to arise, go and possess. Then He gave him conditions precedent for possessing the Promised Land.

He instructed him: (1) to speak his word at all times, by not letting his word depart from his mouth; (2) to meditate upon His words day and night thereby expelling all contrary counsel, fears and worldly wisdom that may keep his heart bound. Then He admonished that in keeping with 1 and 2 above, Joshua would be able to observe and do according to God’s word.

These were the conditions precedent to God’s promises coming to fruition and Joshua fulfilling his purpose in life. These conditions apply to all of us today.

Whether we admit it or not we are major players in the execution of our destiny. God has done His part by laying ahead of us the Promised Land which we need to take possession of. However, as a condition for possession, we must exercise authority by speaking His word to all situations and faith by not letting His word depart from our hearts and moving ahead to act in accordance with His word. It is only in doing this that we can live completely for Him and possess our Promised Land.

May we all go ahead today and possess your Promised Land in Jesus name.

God bless you

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Today's Insights

Genesis 8: 22 (Amplified Version)

“while the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease”.

There are certain immutable principles in life and one of them is the principle of seedtime and harvest.

In Genesis 1: 22, after God had created the plants of the earth, He blessed them and charged them to be fruitful and multiply. The same charge was repeated after the creation of man in Genesis 1: 28. However in addition to being fruitful, God charged man to also take dominion over the other created things thereby giving man the authority to use the vast resources of earth in service of humanity and God with the ultimate aim of being fruitful.

I have always been greatly fascinated by seeds. The mighty oak, was once a nut that became a seed when it found home in fertile grounds and then grew into a great tree, which is then harvested to build great furniture and mighty ships. The oak when it was a nut was a potential tree with leaves, branches, great stems and roots but could have remained a nut and these potentials would never had blossomed if the nut had not become a seed in fertile grounds. So goes the popular quote, “Today’s mighty oak is just yesterday’s nut that became a seed and held its grounds”.

Please remember that everything God has given to you today, even your life is a nut, which you can decide to eat or turn to a seed by planting same in fertile grounds. If you eat your nut, you may receive temporary nourishment but you will have lost the opportunity of giving the world the gift of the mighty oak and above all would have failed in fulfilling the purpose of your existence which is to be fruitful. The only fertile ground is in Christ and the greatest seed you can plant in Him is your life.

Go on today and plant great seeds in fertile grounds and your harvest must surely come.

God bless you.